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ÖBB: Health needs to be thought of more broadly.

ÖBB Interview

In the heart of Austria’s vibrant railway network, where steel tracks weave through breathtaking landscapes, the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) is making a significant commitment. This commitment, centered on health and well-being, extends beyond the mechanics of trains and stations, reaching into the lives of its dedicated employees.

For ÖBB, health isn’t merely a destination; it’s an ongoing journey. ÖBB recognizes that true well-being extends far beyond the confines of train cars and stations, touching the very essence of those who keep the wheels turning.

At the forefront of this journey is Gabriel Kroisleitner, ÖBB’s Division Manager for Health at Work. Gabriel isn’t just a manager; he’s a passionate advocate for employee well-being. His office isn’t a sterile room, but a canvas where health takes shape, ensuring that every ÖBB employee feels cared for, heard, and resilient.

Only those who actually get their worries solved can take care of their own health.

ÖBB recognizes that well-being extends far beyond the workplace. Their diverse workforce requires a broad range of health initiatives tailored to individual needs. This understanding led ÖBB to collaborate with Mavie, a partner who shares their vision of comprehensive health support.

ÖBB’s innovative health journey, developed in collaboration with Mavie, completes the puzzle of their existing health program. This partnership ensures that every ÖBB employee finds valuable, practical health tips they can easily incorporate into their lives. Through Mavie, ÖBB employees receive fresh insights via videos, podcasts, and engaging articles. The goal is to seamlessly integrate health into everyday work life, empowering employees to actively prioritize their well-being.

And why Mavie? Because it speaks ÖBB’s language. No complex medical jargon here - just real-life guidance. Mavie’s low-threshold access invites everyone - whether you’re a seasoned conductor or a fresh recruit.

We chose Mavie because it has very low-threshold access (...) and offers a high level of counselling expertise along the entire spectrum.
OEBB Portrait

The commitment to health at ÖBB is also about preparing for the future. With demographic shifts, economic challenges, and longer careers, fostering a healthy workforce is more important than ever. ÖBB’s focus on healthy leadership and proactive health measures, supported by Mavie, positions them to meet these challenges head-on.

By prioritizing health and well-being, ÖBB is not just running a railway system; they’re nurturing a community. With Mavie by their side, ÖBB is empowering their employees to embark on a health journey that goes beyond the workplace, ensuring a resilient, vibrant workforce for years to come.

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